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This class gets and sets the localization properties of RadCloudUpload.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
  • Telerik.Web.LocalizationStrings
  • Telerik.Web.UI.CloudUploadLocalization


Cancel String

Gets or sets the Cancel string.

CollapseButton String

Gets or sets the CollapseButton string.

DropZone String

Gets or sets the string "DropZone" text.

Error String

Gets or sets the Error string.

ExpandButton String

Gets or sets the ExpandButton string.

ExtensionValidationFailedMessage String

Gets or sets the ExtensionValidationFailedMessage string.

Remove String

Gets or sets the Remove string.

SelectButtonText String

Gets or sets the SelectButtonText string.

ServerErrorMessage String

Gets or sets the ServerErrorMessage string.

SizeValidationFailedMessage String

Gets or sets the SizeValidationFailedMessage string.

UploadedFilesMessage String

Gets or sets the UploadedFilesMessage string.

UploadingFilesMessage String

Gets or sets the UploadingFilesMessage string.