Column Menu

The KendoReact Data Grid enables you to show a menu with quick actions for its columns.

The column menu provides flexible options for high-level customization. For example, the regular sorting and filtering features are represented by individual components which allows you to implement complex scenarios and meet the specific requirements of your project.

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Basic Usage

To configure the column menu, use the columnMenu option of the columns.

The following example demonstrates how to utilize the following built-in components while you implement the column menu in the Data Grid:

  • Filter - component applying filters to the column
  • Sort - component for applying sorting the column
  • Group - component for grouping and ungrouping the column
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Tabbed Column Menu

The KendoReact Grid allows you to render a column menu with a tabbed interface.

The below example achieves this implementation by creating a tabbed column menu and wrapping the Grid component with it. In main.jsx, the Grid is wrapped with a ColumnMenuContext.Provider where its value property accepts the following four arguments:

  • onColumnsChange - handles which columns are displayed
  • onAutoSize - automatically sizes a column
  • columnState - accepts a state variable that is initially set to the column array of objects
  • columns - the initial array of objects of the column values
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Checkbox Filter

The ColumnMenu provides the GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter component, which provides a checkbox list to filter the column data.

The following example demonstrates how to setup the checkbox filtering:

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Custom Components

You can integrate custom components in the column menu and pass additional properties to them.

The following example demonstrates how to:

  • Render the columns inside the column menu based on an array of the column names and on the column show property.
  • Hide columns from the column menu and enable the Grid to update the column menu accordingly.

To access all demo files, refer to the tree pane of the file.

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Customizing the Filter Component

The filter component of the column menu enables you to customize its user interface (UI) by passing a custom component to the filterUI property.

The following example demonstrates how to customize the UI of the column-menu filter component. To access all demo files, refer to the tree pane of the file.

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Styling the Column Menu Icon

Both the GridColumnMenuFilter and GridColumnMenuSort components expose the active static method which checks if filtering and sorting are applied to a specific field. You can use these methods for applying custom CSS classes to the column menu and mark it as active.

The following example demonstrates how to style the column-menu icon when sorting and filtering are applied.

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