Kendo UI for Angular MultiSelectTree Overview
The Kendo UI for Angular MultiSelectTree is a form component that renders data in a tree-like structure and allows for multiple selection.
It is a richer version of the <select>
element and supports templates, and configurable options for controlling the component's behavior.
The following example demonstrates the MultiSelectTree in action.
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Key Features
- Data binding—The MultiSelectTree enables you to work with various types of data and provides a number of directives which cover various data-binding scenarios.
- Value binding—The MultiSelectTree enables you to set its value to primitive or complex data.
- Filtering——Apart from its default filter functionality, the MultiSelectTree provides built-in filter directives, and options for auto-expanding its items while filtering and performing manual filtering.
- Checkboxes—The MultiSelectTree allows you to implement checkboxes for managing its items selection.
- Persisting the expanded state—You can persist the expanded state of MultiSelectTree items when the popup TreeView is re-rendered.
- Disabled items—You can disable any of the MultiSelectTree items and prevent users from interacting with them.
- Summary-tag mode—The MultiSelectTree allows you to customize the display of its selected tags.
- Templates—You can customize the content of the MultiSelectTree by using templates for its items, header, footer, and other elements.
- Controlling the open state—The MultiSelectTree enables you to configure the initially opened item and prevent the opening and closing of its options list.
- Forms support—You can use the MultiSelectTree both in template-driven and reactive Angular forms.
- Globalization—All Kendo UI for Angular Dropdowns provide globalization options.
- Accessibility—The MultiSelectTree is accessible for screen readers and supports WAI-ARIA attributes.
- Keyboard navigation—The MultiSelectTree supports a number of keyboard shortcuts for processing various commands.
Support and Learning Resources
- MultiSelectTree Homepage
- Getting Started with the Kendo UI for Angular Dropdowns
- API Reference of the MultiSelectTree
- Getting Started with Kendo UI for Angular (Online Guide)
- Getting Started with Kendo UI for Angular (Video Tutorial)
- Virtual Classroom (Training Courses for Registered Users)
- MultiSelectTree Forum
- Before You Start: All Things Angular (Telerik Blog Post)
- Knowledge Base