Kendo UI for Angular Charts Manual Setup
The manual setup approach provides greater visibility and better control over the files and references installed in your Angular application.
If you already followed the installation steps in the Getting Started page, you can skip the manual setup approach demonstrated in this article.
You can install the required peer dependencies and a Kendo UI theme by running separate commands for each step and import the desired Charts components and directives in your standalone component.
Install the Charts package together with its dependencies by running the following command:
shnpm install --save @progress/kendo-angular-charts @progress/kendo-angular-common @progress/kendo-angular-intl @progress/kendo-angular-l10n @progress/kendo-angular-navigation @progress/kendo-angular-popup @progress/kendo-drawing @progress/kendo-licensing
Import the required components and directives:
To add all components from the Charts package, import the
utility array in your standalone component.tsimport { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { KENDO_CHARTS} from '@progress/kendo-angular-charts'; @Component({ standalone: true, selector: 'my-app', imports: [KENDO_CHARTS] })
To add individual Charts components, import the corresponding utility arrays in your standalone component. See the list of available utility arrays.
For example if you only need the StockChart component, import
.tsimport { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { KENDO_STOCKCHART } from '@progress/kendo-angular-charts'; @Component({ standalone: true, selector: 'my-app', imports: [KENDO_STOCKCHART] })
The next step is to style the components by installing one of the available Kendo UI themes.
3.1 To start using a theme, install its package through NPM.
Default theme
shnpm install --save @progress/kendo-theme-default
Bootstrap theme
shnpm install --save @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap
Material theme
shnpm install --save @progress/kendo-theme-material
Fluent theme
shnpm install --save @progress/kendo-theme-fluent
3.2 After the theme package is installed, reference it in your project. You can include a Kendo UI theme in your project in one of the following ways:
- By using an external (CDN) link.
- By using a precompiled CSS file.
- By compiling the theme from the SCSS source files.
Learning Resources
- Angular Charts Homepage
- Charts Overview
- Angular Charts Building Elements
- Angular Chart Types
- API Reference of the Angular Charts
- Get Started with Kendo UI for Angular
- Using Kendo UI for Angular with Angular CLI
- Styling Overview
- Theme Builder
- Customizing the Themes
- Activating Your License Key
- Virtual Classroom (Training Courses for Registered Users)