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XAxis label rotation

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Chris asked on 24 Mar 2009, 08:33 PM

Is it possible to move the axis of rotation for Xaxis labels?  Currently I have a collection of strings with varied lengths as labels on the x axis. I'd like to set the rotation to -45 so they stack up diagonally along the axis.  Currently, the strings are rotated with the axis of rotation in the middle, so unless I set the AlignedPostion to Center, the strings still overrun each other.

 I'd like to set the aligned position to right so they line up tight to the axis, and somehow tell them rotate along the right most edge too. Is this possible?

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Mar 2009, 08:14 AM
Hello Chris,

Unfortunately, the rotation axis cannot be controlled - the origin of the rotation is the label center. You can use the labels position to achieve similar results:

<LabelAppearance RotationAngle="-45" Position-AlignedPosition="TopLeft" > 

The results however will vary according to the label text length - the longer the text, the farther the right end will go. I hope this workaround is applicable.

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