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X Axis Labels Position with Negative Minimum Value

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Chart (Obsolete)
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Mathew asked on 24 Jan 2014, 08:23 PM
If I adjust the Scatter Chart demo and give the Y axis a minimum value of -20, the X axis still crosses at zero as expected. However, the X axis labels "move" too - in the sense that they stay close to the axis, rather than remaining at the bottom of the chart. I see that I could move both the X axis and its labels back to the bottom of the chart by setting a Y axis crossing value of -20 as well.

Is there a way to leave the X axis crossing at zero, but move the X axis labels back down to the bottom of the chart?  For example, in Excel this can be accomplished by changing the Axis labels property from Next to Axis to Low.

I find that if I have multiple RadHTMLCharts near one another on a page, they are more attractive if I can keep all the labels at the bottom of their respective charts, even if the minimum values differ.

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Stamo Gochev
Telerik team
answered on 29 Jan 2014, 07:15 AM
Hello Mathew,

Currently, RadHtmlChart does not support the Excel functionality that you described, so an additional configuration should be made. You are correct that in this case both the minimum value and the axis crossing value should be set to -20 to achieve good visual appearance.

Stamo Gochev
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Chart (Obsolete)
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Stamo Gochev
Telerik team
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