In my project, i have added multiple RadWindowManager in one aspx page and the issue is, Sometimes a different RadWindow is opened apart from the expected one. How to rectify this issue?
You are experiencing this strange behavior because of the presence
of more than one RadWindowManager on the same page. Sometimes a call to radopen() opens a RadWindow with unexpected settings or a different one when a page contains more than one RadWindowManager.
The RadWindowManager is designed to work as a singleton -
i.e. only one instance per page. The radopen() (and radalert(),
radconfirm(), radprompt() functions as well), being global functions,
are attached to the first instance that is created on the page,
which may result in some unexpected behavior if other managers
are present as well - the RadWindow with the given ID (the second
passed to the function) needs to be in the Windows collection of
the targeted manager, otherwise a generic one with the settings from
the first manager will be opened.
This particular issue can be resolved by the following appraches.
Get a reference to the RadWindowManager which you want to use via $find("DesiredRadWindowManagerClientID") and use its own open() method.
varoWnd = $find("<%=RadWindow1.ClientID%>");
Another approach is like You can directly open the desired RadWindow via $find("RadWindowClientID") and call its show() method. Also try to move all the RadWindows you use to the singleRadWindowManager.