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UI for WPF Forum
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Hi Team,

I joined the project attaching Telerik.2020.2.617.45 version.

but I can download only 2023.xx version.

So How can i download 2020.2.617.45 version.

0 answers
We are trying to create a global TaskManager to cancel all tasks as a user navigates if the load is still taking place. We use QueryableDataServiceCollectionView across many grids in our system to support all the filtering, paging, and grouping. I can call the method that sets the collections query and context and to auto load it but the loaded method is never called. Is there a way to use a task to track the progress of the loading collection?
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 asked on 14 Jun 2022
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Hello, I have upgraded application to .Net 6.0 ,while I trying to add DLL to toolbar then it gives following error [refer screenshot].

when I run the project it throws exception about Telerik,  as

The invocation of the constructor on type 'Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadMenu' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception

following inner exception

" TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Telerik.Windows.Controls.TelerikLicense' threw an exception."


"MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.ActivationContext System.AppDomain.get_ActivationContext()'."


please suggest.

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Rank 1
 asked on 18 Feb 2022
2 answers

We are beginning to use Telerik WPF UI for a Windows Forms application.  We have a RadGridView bound to a RadEntityFrameworkDataSource which gets
data from the database using Entity Framework.  The data for the grid come from a View in the database.  The data appears fine initially but 
we change data in the tables programmatically.  How do we force the datagrid to retrieve the latest changes from the database? 

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 answered on 21 Mar 2017
1 answer

Hello. I have a database on MS SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB. Lets call this database 'My_Db'. My_Db database has the folowing hierarchy: highest-level master table called 'Devices' has 'Id' field that is primary key. Devices table has one detail table called 'SavedSessions" which has 'Id' field that is primary key and 'Devices_Id' field that is foreign key referenced to Devices.Id field. SavedSesions table has (in its turn) two detail tables: SavedSessionEventLogs and SavedSessionRegisters. Each one of this last two tables has 'SavedSessions_Id' field which is foreign key referenced to SavedSessions.Id field. In my client WPF MVVM application I need to display  these four tables in master/detail hierarchy but this herarchy must not be nested. So each of this table must be displayed in its own grid (for example RadGridView). So if I select record in Device table' grid then content of SavedSession table' grid must be accordingly changed and the first record must be selected there. This accordingly entails the appropriate changing of content of SavedSessionEventLogs and SavedSessionRegisters tables. I want to build this master/detail view using QueryableEntityCollectionView and four instance of RadGridView. I had browsed many appropriate information in Google but not found any useful information. So I'll be very grateful if you give me an example of such an application.

Telerik team
 answered on 03 Feb 2017
1 answer

First part of this question: is this control still supported?  I ask because according to there hasn't been an update since 2013, yet Entity Framework itself has been updated multiple times since then.


The real question is: how to use this with Entity Framework 6.1?

When trying to use this control, I get this at runtime:

Exception thrown: 'System.MissingMethodException' in Telerik.Windows.Controls.EntityFramework.dll
System.Transactions Critical: 0 : <TraceRecord xmlns="" Severity="Critical"><TraceIdentifier></TraceIdentifier><Description>Unhandled exception</Description><AppDomain>Log Manager.vshost.exe</AppDomain><Exception><ExceptionType>System.MissingMethodException, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</ExceptionType><Message>Method not found: 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.IObjectContextAdapter.get_ObjectContext()'.</Message><StackTrace>   at Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadEntityFrameworkDataSource.get_EffectiveObjectContext()

I'm setting the DbContext like this: this.logsSource.DbContext = this.context;

According to the DbContext property just calls ((System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.IObjectContextAdapter)this.DbContext).ObjectContext;

But I don't think that's correct, as I've tried doing the same thing myself and setting the ObjectContext property, but that property insists that ObjectContext come from System.Data.Objects, so the above line would never work.

 So I'm confused, and looking for suggestions, please. 

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
 answered on 22 Nov 2016
4 answers
1.3K+ views
In my application I have a RadGridView and a Data Form. If I change the group or type of the DocumentTitle on the CombBox in Data Form, I get the following error message:

"The property 'Id' is part of the object's key information and cannot be modified."

XAML-Code (DataGrid):

01.<telerik:RadEntityFrameworkDataSource Name="DocumentTitlesDataSource" QueryName="DocumentTitles">
02. </telerik:RadEntityFrameworkDataSource>
04.            <telerik:RadGridView x:Name="Entries" Grid.Row="1"
05.                             ItemsSource="{Binding DataView, ElementName=DocumentTitlesDataSource}"
06.                             SelectedItem="{Binding DataView.CurrentItem, Mode=OneWay, ElementName=DocumentTitlesDataSource}"
07.                             SelectionMode="Single"
08.                             IsReadOnly="True"
09.                             AutoGenerateColumns="False"
10.                             IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
11.                             CanUserDeleteRows="False"
12.                             CanUserFreezeColumns="False"
13.                             CanUserInsertRows="False"
14.                             CanUserReorderColumns="False"
15.                             CanUserResizeColumns="False"
16.                             CanUserSortColumns="False"
17.                             CanUserSortGroups="False"
18.                             IsFilteringAllowed="False"
19.                             ShowGroupPanel="False"
20.                             ShowColumnHeaders="False" SelectionChanging="Entries_SelectionChanging">
21.                <telerik:RadGridView.Columns>
22.                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Id}" Header="Id" Width="20" IsVisible="False"/>
23.                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding User.Id}" Header="Benutzer" Width="10" IsVisible="False"/>
24.                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Computer}" Header="Computer" Width="10" IsVisible="False"/>
25.                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Name}" Header="Dokumententitel" Width="*"/>
26.                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Group.Id}" Header="Dokumentengruppe" Width="200"/>
27.                    <telerik:GridViewComboBoxColumn x:Name="cbxDocumentTitleGroup" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Group.Id}"
28.                                                    DisplayMemberPath="Name"
29.                                                    SelectedValueMemberPath="Id"
30.                                                    Header="Dokumentengruppe"
31.                                                    Width="100"/>
32.                    <telerik:GridViewComboBoxColumn x:Name="cbxDocumentTitleType" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Type.Id}"
33.                                                    DisplayMemberPath="Name"
34.                                                    SelectedValueMemberPath="Id"
35.                                                    Header="Dokumententyp"
36.                                                    Width="100" />
37.                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding System}" Header="System" Width="10" IsVisible="False"/>
38.                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Locked}" Header="Gesperrt" Width="10" IsVisible="False"/>
39.                </telerik:RadGridView.Columns>
40.            </telerik:RadGridView>

XAML-Code (DataForm):

02.                <DataTemplate x:Key="WriteTemplate">
03.                    <Grid>
04.                        <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
05.                            <ColumnDefinition Width="150"></ColumnDefinition>
06.                            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
07.                        </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
08.                        <Grid.RowDefinitions>
09.                            <RowDefinition></RowDefinition>
10.                            <RowDefinition></RowDefinition>
11.                            <RowDefinition></RowDefinition>
12.                            <RowDefinition></RowDefinition>
13.                            <RowDefinition></RowDefinition>
14.                        </Grid.RowDefinitions>
15.                        <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column ="0" Margin="0,5,0,0">Dokumententitel:</Label>
16.                        <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column ="0" Margin="0,5,0,0">Dokumentengruppe:</Label>
17.                        <Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column ="0" Margin="0,5,0,0">Dokumententyp:</Label>
18.                        <Label Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column ="0" Margin="0,5,0,0">Gesperrt:</Label>
19.                        <Label Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column ="0" Margin="0,5,0,0">Systemeintrag:</Label>
20.                        <telerik:DataFormDataField Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column ="1" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Name , Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" LabelPosition="Above" Margin="0,5,0,0"/>
21.                        <telerik:DataFormComboBoxField Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" LabelPosition="Above" Margin="0,5,0,0"
22.                                                       ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsSource, ElementName=cbxDocumentTitleGroup, Mode=TwoWay}"
23.                                                       DataMemberBinding="{Binding Group.Id}"
24.                                                       DisplayMemberPath="Name"
25.                                                       SelectedValuePath="Id"
26.                                                       SelectedIndex="{Binding Group}"/>
27.                        <telerik:DataFormComboBoxField Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" LabelPosition="Above" Margin="0,5,0,0"
28.                                                       ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsSource, ElementName=cbxDocumentTitleType}"
29.                                                       DataMemberBinding="{Binding Type.Id}"
30.                                                       DisplayMemberPath="Name"
31.                                                       SelectedValuePath="Id"
32.                                                       SelectedIndex="{Binding Type}"/>
33.                        <telerik:DataFormCheckBoxField Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column ="1" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Locked , Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" LabelPosition="Above" Margin="0,5,0,0"/>
34.                        <telerik:DataFormCheckBoxField Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column ="1" IsReadOnly="True" DataMemberBinding="{Binding System , Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" LabelPosition="Above" Margin="0,5,0,0"/>
35.                    </Grid>
36.                </DataTemplate>
37.            </Grid.Resources>   
39.        <telerik:RadDataForm x:Name="EntryDetails" Grid.Row="2" Header="Dokumententitel"
40.                             CommandButtonsVisibility="Cancel, Commit" AutoGenerateFields="False" AutoCommit="False"
41.                             EditEnding="EntryDetails_EditEnding"  ValidatingItem="EntryDetails_ValidatingItem" EditEnded="EntryDetails_EditEnded"
42.                             ReadOnlyTemplate="{StaticResource ReadTemplate}"
43.                             EditTemplate="{StaticResource WriteTemplate}"
44.                             NewItemTemplate="{StaticResource WriteTemplate}"
45.                             ItemsSource="{Binding DataView, ElementName=DocumentTitlesDataSource}"/>  

C# Code:

01.public DocimpDocumentTitles(VIMANTO.Environment My)
02.        {
03.            InitializeComponent();
04.            my = My;
05.            db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = my.CurrentConnection.GetSqlConntectionString();
06.            DocumentTitlesDataSource.DbContext = db;
08.            ObservableCollection<CatalogEntry> documentTitleGroups = new ObservableCollection<CatalogEntry>();
09.            ObservableCollection<CatalogEntry> documentTitleTypes = new ObservableCollection<CatalogEntry>();
11.            documentTitleGroups = Database.Views.CatalogViews.GetCatalogEntries(my.CurrentConnection, VIMANTO.Database.Views.CatalogViews.GetCatalog(my.CurrentConnection, "Dokumentengruppen").Id, true);
12.            cbxDocumentTitleGroup.ItemsSource = documentTitleGroups;
14.            documentTitleTypes = Database.Views.CatalogViews.GetCatalogEntries(my.CurrentConnection, VIMANTO.Database.Views.CatalogViews.GetCatalog(my.CurrentConnection, "Dokumententypen").Id, true);
15.            cbxDocumentTitleType.ItemsSource = documentTitleTypes;
16.        }  











Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
 answered on 20 Sep 2016
5 answers



I have RadGridView binded to QueryableEntityCollectionView. I want to sort only items on current page by click on column header, not  full data from server.

I was trying to sort items in GridView_Sorting event, set e.NewSortingState  and e.Cancel = true but without any success. Can't access and sort items from current page.


Any help?

Ivan Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 12 Oct 2015
1 answer

In the XAML-File the DataSorce created. Data displayed in in a DataGridView and DataForm.

<telerik:RadEntityFrameworkDataSource Name="ProductsEntityFrameworkDataSource" QueryName="Products">
<local:AdventureWorksEntities />

How can I save the changes?


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Rank 2
 answered on 06 Sep 2015
3 answers


 i got an application where the RadEntityFrameworkDataSource returns no rows.

I have written an Test application, which just handles the issue: the problem remains.

You can download the application at

You must edit the connection string in the app.config.

I used the .Net Framework in the version 4.5 and Telerik Devcraft for WPF in the version 2015.1.0401.45.

 The source:

namespace RadEntityFrameworkDataSource_Test1 {
    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            REFDS_T1Context cntxt = new REFDS_T1Context();
            if (cntxt.Libraries.FirstOrDefault<Library>() == null) {
                Library l = new Library("Lib1");
                l = new Library("Lib2");
            var q = (from m in cntxt.Libraries select m).ToList();
            Console.WriteLine("---- Output from Linq Queryable");
            foreach (Library m in q) {
            RadEntityFrameworkDataSource refds = new RadEntityFrameworkDataSource();
            refds.DbContext = cntxt;
            refds.QueryName = "Libraries";
            var l2 = refds.DataView;
            Console.WriteLine("Output from RadEntityFrameworkDataSource");
            var v = l2.TotalItemCount;
            Console.WriteLine("TotalItemCount: " + v);
            foreach (Library m in l2) { //.ToEnumerable<MediaItem>()
            Console.WriteLine("---- Ende for Output of: RadEntityFrameworkDataSource");

----------- The output:

---- Output from Linq Queryable
Output from RadEntityFrameworkDataSource
TotalItemCount: 0
---- Ende for Output of: RadEntityFrameworkDataSource


Best Regards

    Winfried Wille

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 answered on 27 May 2015
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