I am having problems in displaying the ReportViewer in WPF. I have followed the sample code but when I try the following steps, the app breaks and throws exceptions.
Steps to reproduce.
1)I added 3 projects to a solution. One was for reports, the other two I picked up from the sample, WpfDemo and Telerik.ReportLibrary.
2)When I ran the Wpf demo it worked fine, and it showed the telerik default report which was in sample.
3)Now I gave ref to my report project in wpf demo and accessed the report from my library.
4)The report was open but in the reportviewer it showed that conn string could not find, because in wpfdemo, the conn string is missing.
5)I added the conn string, and I re run the wpf demo proj. It gave this error:
"'The invocation of the constructor on type 'Telerik.ReportViewer.Wpf.ReportViewer' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.' Line number '42' and line position '14'."
6)Now if I go back to the report from telerik sample and set it using the report property of ReportViewer, the error still persists. It statys dere no matter what I do.
I have uploaded a sample solution which contains the problem.
The download link for the solution is :
A quick response is highly appreciated.
Inder Gujral
I am having problems in displaying the ReportViewer in WPF. I have followed the sample code but when I try the following steps, the app breaks and throws exceptions.
Steps to reproduce.
1)I added 3 projects to a solution. One was for reports, the other two I picked up from the sample, WpfDemo and Telerik.ReportLibrary.
2)When I ran the Wpf demo it worked fine, and it showed the telerik default report which was in sample.
3)Now I gave ref to my report project in wpf demo and accessed the report from my library.
4)The report was open but in the reportviewer it showed that conn string could not find, because in wpfdemo, the conn string is missing.
5)I added the conn string, and I re run the wpf demo proj. It gave this error:
"'The invocation of the constructor on type 'Telerik.ReportViewer.Wpf.ReportViewer' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.' Line number '42' and line position '14'."
6)Now if I go back to the report from telerik sample and set it using the report property of ReportViewer, the error still persists. It statys dere no matter what I do.
I have uploaded a sample solution which contains the problem.
The download link for the solution is :
A quick response is highly appreciated.
Inder Gujral