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what value should be for "Get All" option in RadComboBox to show all records in RadGrid?

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Damien Nast
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Rank 1
Damien Nast asked on 14 Dec 2008, 10:17 PM
good day, guys,
I have a RadComboBox "RadComboBox_reject" with 2 options, "Rejected", and "Not Rejected", the value of "Rejected" is "true", the value of "Not Rejected" is "false",  RadGrid is bound to sqldatasource,  sqldatasource definition as following:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="Sql_docket" runat="server"  SelectCommand ="SELECT DOCKET.DOCKETID ...................  FilterExpression ="reject='{0}'" > 
    <asp:ControlParameter Name="reject" ControlID="RadComboBox_reject" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Boolean"  ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" />

Basically, my idea is to set "RadComboBox_reject" property "AutoPostback" = true, so that everytime user choose option from RadComboBox_reject, the selectedValue will be passed to sqldatasource by SqlDataSource  FilterParameters.

The above code is working fine. But, now,  I am trying to add "Get All" option to "RadComboBox_reject", so that RadGrid will show all records when user select "Get All". My question is: what value should be for "Get All" option that will be passed to FilterParameters?  Please note that FilterParameters type is "Boolean".

Thank you very much







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Damien Nast
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