Hello, I've created a grid web user control to display a list of records. I bind the grid using the NeedDataSource event to a data table directly (in other words, I'm not using the data source controls). I ste AutoGenerateEditColumn="True" so I get an edit button for each row. I've made the grid call a web user control as the detail form by setting EditFormType="WebUserControl" and when "edit" is clicked, I display that form. The form has a save and a cancel button on it. Everything works fine as long as there is no error when saving.
Here's the issue: When I click "save" on the detail form, the form closes and the grid updates, BUT if there is an error, I want to display the error and leave the form open. (BTW - I'm handling displaying the error so I'm not concerned about that part) I looked at some samples you had but only found those that are NOT using a custom web user control and in these examples.
Can you please tell me how to leave my detail form open in the event of an [handled] error when saving the data?
Here's the issue: When I click "save" on the detail form, the form closes and the grid updates, BUT if there is an error, I want to display the error and leave the form open. (BTW - I'm handling displaying the error so I'm not concerned about that part) I looked at some samples you had but only found those that are NOT using a custom web user control and in these examples.
Can you please tell me how to leave my detail form open in the event of an [handled] error when saving the data?