Good afternoon,
I'm working on increasing the speed of a dynamically generated data entry page. The page contains between 1 and 7 RadGrids, each with 20 or so rows, each row containing at least one RadNumericTextbox for data entry. So, maybe 140 RadNumericTextboxes, as well as a handful of other controls such as RadComboBoxes and a couple RadWindows.
I'm trying to reduce the page size which right now stands at about 3.5MB. There is a VERY large block of Javascript at the bottom of the page containing the code to instantiate all the RadControls. Hundreds of lines of Telerik code that all look something like this:
Is there any way to reduce or eliminate the size of this generated code at the bottom of the page? I copied-and-pasted it out into a separate file and it's nearly half (1.6MB total) of my 3.5MB page size.
I'm working on increasing the speed of a dynamically generated data entry page. The page contains between 1 and 7 RadGrids, each with 20 or so rows, each row containing at least one RadNumericTextbox for data entry. So, maybe 140 RadNumericTextboxes, as well as a handful of other controls such as RadComboBoxes and a couple RadWindows.
I'm trying to reduce the page size which right now stands at about 3.5MB. There is a VERY large block of Javascript at the bottom of the page containing the code to instantiate all the RadControls. Hundreds of lines of Telerik code that all look something like this:
() {
$create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadNumericTextBox, {
"setTimeout(\"__doPostBack(\\\u0027entry20121022$rgSalesEntry$ctl00$ctl25$rwinNewSupplemental$C$rgSupplemental$ctl00$ctl36$txtSupplementalValue\\\u0027,\\\u0027\\\u0027)\", 0)"
:{HoveredStyle: [
"riTextBox riHover"
],InvalidStyle: [
"riTextBox riError"
],DisabledStyle: [
"riTextBox riDisabled"
],FocusedStyle: [
"riTextBox riFocused"
],EmptyMessageStyle: [
"riTextBox riEmpty"
],ReadOnlyStyle: [
"riTextBox riRead"
],EnabledStyle: [
"riTextBox riEnabled"
],NegativeStyle: [
"riTextBox riNegative"
]}}, {
, $get(
Is there any way to reduce or eliminate the size of this generated code at the bottom of the page? I copied-and-pasted it out into a separate file and it's nearly half (1.6MB total) of my 3.5MB page size.