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Vertical TabStrip Spacing / padding

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Damian asked on 03 Dec 2008, 05:57 PM
If you've trying to find a way to place a space between two vertical tabstrips and also noticed that padding only adds more height to a particular strip, try this:

<telerik:RadTabStrip EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" ID="RadTabStrip2" Skin="Telerik" Orientation="VerticalLeft" Width="100px" Style="position: relative; top: 20px; left: 47px;" runat="server">
                     <telerik:RadTab Text="John" CssClass="firstTab" Width="100%" SelectedCssClass="firstTabSelected"
                        HoveredCssClass="firstTabHovered" runat="server">
                        <telerik:RadTab CssClass="spaceTab" Enabled="false" BackColor="white" *change to whatever your background color is * runat="server">

                    <telerik:RadTab Text="Maria" CssClass="secondTab" Width="100%" SelectedCssClass="secondTabSelected"
                        HoveredCssClass="secondTabHovered" ImageUrl="Images/blink.gif" runat="server" Selected="True">

    Width: 100px; *change to whatever width your other tabs are*
    Height: 20px; *change to whatever height you want the spacing to be*

Basically we're adding another tab; an "empty" tab for space.

If you are using Skins, you can follow the same method, except set the border width = 0px in the ASPX file for all the spaceTabs:

<telerik:RadTab CssClass="spaceTab" BorderWidth="0px" Enabled="false" BackColor="white" runat="server">

hope this helps someone!

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