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vertical scrollbar width in chrome and safari

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Joao asked on 04 Apr 2016, 10:14 PM

I have a RadPivotGrid that works perfectly in IE and Firefox but on Chrome and Safari it puts a large white column instead of the vertical scroll bar, if the number of lines does not require vertical displacement( verticalScrollBar should be set to no display).

The attached images show the difference. I've  tried using a page lenght that requires vertical scroll but the last page allways has the same problem.

I'm using Telerik version 2015.2.826.40.

I've tried modify the CSS with no result.

Am i the only one with this problema? Any ideas?

Thanks for any help.

The definition of the RadPivotGrid:

<telerik:RadPivotGrid ID="Gconsulta" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" Width="100%" AllowFiltering="true" enableConfigurationPanel="true"<br>            OnCellDataBound="Gconsulta_CellDataBound" AllowSorting="True" Skin="Default" ShowFilterHeaderZone="false" ShowColumnHeaderZone="true"<br>            OnPivotGridCellExporting="Gconsulta_PivotGridCellExporting" ShowRowHeaderZone="false" ShowDataHeaderZone="false"<br>            OnPivotGridBiffExporting="Gconsulta_PivotGridBiffExporting"<br>            OnNeedDataSource="Gconsulta_NeedDataSource" PageSize="20"><br>            <TotalsSettings GrandTotalsVisibility="RowsOnly" /><br>            <PagerStyle Mode="NumericPages" Font-Size="Small" Font-Italic="true"<br>                AlwaysVisible="true" Height="30px" BackColor="Transparent" /><br>            <Fields><br>                <telerik:PivotGridRowField DataField="TipoCli" Caption="TipoCliente" ZoneIndex="0" meta:resourcekey="TipoCli"><br>                    <CellStyle Width="9%" ForeColor="Red" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Bold="true"></CellStyle><br>                </telerik:PivotGridRowField><br>                <telerik:PivotGridRowField DataField="Cliente" Caption="Cliente" ZoneIndex="1"<br>                    meta:resourcekey="Cliente"><br>                    <CellStyle Width="16%" ForeColor="Blue" Font-Size="X-Small"></CellStyle><br>                </telerik:PivotGridRowField><br>                <telerik:PivotGridColumnField DataField="Ano" SortOrder="Descending" meta:resourcekey="Ano"><br>                </telerik:PivotGridColumnField><br>                <telerik:PivotGridColumnField DataField="NomeMes" Caption="Mes" meta:resourcekey="Mes"><br>                </telerik:PivotGridColumnField><br>                <telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="Vendas" Caption="Vendas" Aggregate="Sum"<br>                    DataFormatString="{0:# ##0.00 €}" GrandTotalAggregateFormatString="{0:# ##0.00 €}"<br>                    TotalFormatString="{0:# ##0.00 €}" meta:resourcekey="Vendas"><br>                    <CellStyle Width="100px" /><br>                </telerik:PivotGridAggregateField><br>                <telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="Quantidade" Aggregate="Sum" GrandTotalAggregateFormatString="{0:N0}"<br>                    TotalFormatString="{0:N0}" meta:resourcekey="Quantidade" Caption="Quantidade"><br>                    <CellStyle Width="80px" /><br>                </telerik:PivotGridAggregateField><br>                <telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="Bonus" Aggregate="Sum" GrandTotalAggregateFormatString="{0:N0}"<br>                    TotalFormatString="{0:N0}" meta:resourcekey="Bonus" Caption="Bonus"><br>                    <CellStyle Width="70px" /><br>                </telerik:PivotGridAggregateField><br>            </Fields><br>            <ClientSettings EnableFieldsDragDrop="true"><br>                <Resizing AllowColumnResize="true" EnableRealTimeResize="true" /><br>                <Scrolling AllowVerticalScroll="true" SaveScrollPosition="true" ScrollHeight="535px" /><br>            </ClientSettings><br>        </telerik:RadPivotGrid>

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answered on 06 Apr 2016, 02:56 AM

I found that if setting ShowClumnHeaderZone="false" displays ok, but I need that users can filter columns.

Also, in that case, if setting ShowRowHeaderZone="true" persists the error again.

Any further help would be apreciated!... CSS... jquery... Telerik pros?... anyone??

Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
answered on 07 Apr 2016, 01:39 PM
Hi Joao,

I would suggest you to upgrade the applictaion to the latest official release and see how it goes.

Maria Ilieva
Do you need help with upgrading your ASP.NET AJAX, WPF or WinForms projects? Check the Telerik API Analyzer and share your thoughts.
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answered on 08 Apr 2016, 01:22 AM

Hi Maria,

Thanks! You helped to find the solution!

After updating other modules from Telerik and instaling the current version for a try, I found that my Ajax dlls where also updated to version 2015.2.826.45 that worked correctly.

That´s a patch I certainly missed, but now it's working all right.

As always you're the best! A big thank you!

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answered on 08 Apr 2016, 01:47 AM

Well... just forgot to test the ShowColumnHeaderZone="true"... and it really works the wrong way.

The good news is that in the actual release it works pretty well!

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Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
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