I finally figured it out it was radformdecorator causing this issue.
Adding ControlsToSkip="Scrollbars" now results in the pages I was having an issue with the browser scroll bars missing in chrome showing up.
If I were to "view page source" or "inspect element" the scroll bars would show up (without the fix above).
I don't have a lot of time to go figure out what CSS is causing this but for now the ControlsToSkip="Scrollbars" is a quick fix for anybody else with this issue.
I'm betting it's something in the rfdScrollBars css and/or a bug in chrome as this isn't a problem in IE or Firefox.
I have this issue on 3 different computers, all running the latest version of chrome 43.0.2357.81
If I figure out what's happening (even if it's a mistake on our end) I'll be sure post here again.