After selecting a file in the 'File Upload' dialog, I get an alert with the following string: vData not a String FixMe!!object ({})
I'm not sure what this means and it's happening for all files, this occurs only in Aurora 8.0
After digging a little bit more into the issue I have found this alert comes from the file MicrosoftAjax.js. Would it be possible to get a fixed applied to prevent this alert from showing up?
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
I am afraid, that the referenced MicrosoftAjax.js is not part of our product and we are not aware of this exception and what might have caused it.
Hi Nencho,
This exception is thrown by DOMinator Pro Tool using Aurora browser, it detects an injection threat and it throws this exception after selecting a file from the file input element. I'm using RadAsyncUpload:
RadAsyncUpload rau =
For more information the exception is thrown from this source file: https://code.google.com/p/dominator/source/browse/trunk/js/jsInject_obj_debug.js?r=37
I'm aware the exception is not thrown from your control itself, but it occurs because in the RadAsyncUpload control the XMLHttpRequest when posted to the server.
I am afraid that even the demonstrated exception is not meaningful for us. It would be best, if you could provide us with detailed instructions on how to replicate the issue, in what scenario and what components shall we use.
Hi Nencho,
I feel like you're blindly ignoring me, what else instructions do you need? The problem occurs when uploading a file using RadAsyncUpload on Aurora browser. In my previous post I think I gave you enough details to recreate the problem, do you know how to use your control on an internet browser? If not I can refer you to one of your tutorials.
I would like to inform you that the referenced Aurora browser is not supported with our controls. Please refer to the following post, describing the supported browsers with our controls:
This is why, we cannot grantee the proper behavior of any of our controls, when they are used under Aurora browser.
In addition, you mentioned that the exception is thrown by DOMinator Pro Tool. Please test the behavior, under the supported browsers, using the aforementioned tool and let us know if the problem still persist. If it does, we will be glad to assist you any further.
Thanks Nencho, I'll come back to this post if the issue still persists on the supported browsers