I have about 4 columns in RADGRID which I am defining as GRIDNUMERICColumn with following
Also I have to total column next to it as GridCalculatedColumn
I nee to attach a validator ( client and Server ) to validtate that in edit mode the when user enters the amounts , it should give message if the total goes negative .
As of now i am handling programmtically when updating I am reading the values and giving message below the grid that there is error . This may be not a efficinet way and this has lot of limitations when i am multirowedit
Can you pleas tell how to do client side validation and server validitaion ( custome validator)
Thanks for your help
<telerik:GridNumericColumn DataField="AMT1" UniqueName="AMT1 HeaderText="Amount1"
DataType="System.Int32" DataFormatString="{0:N0}" DecimalDigits="0"
ForceExtractValue="Always" SortExpression="AMT1" AllowFiltering="false" EmptyDataText="0"
Aggregate="Sum" FooterAggregateFormatString="{0:c0}" FooterStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right" >
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" />
Also I have to total column next to it as GridCalculatedColumn
I nee to attach a validator ( client and Server ) to validtate that in edit mode the when user enters the amounts , it should give message if the total goes negative .
As of now i am handling programmtically when updating I am reading the values and giving message below the grid that there is error . This may be not a efficinet way and this has lot of limitations when i am multirowedit
Can you pleas tell how to do client side validation and server validitaion ( custome validator)
Thanks for your help