Currently, I'm working on a project where we had a RadToolBar within a RadGrid. A decision was made to take the Toolbar back out of the Grids and place them on top of the grid instead of inside of them. Doing that is easy, but this makes things a bit complicated for working on adding/editing/deleting items within the grid.
My question is, is there a way to access the ItemCommand within the grid still with the toolbar? The commandnames are the same in my toolbar, but getting them to the grid is a difficult task for me thus far. If anyone has any help, I'd be most appreciative.
Currently, I'm working on a project where we had a RadToolBar within a RadGrid. A decision was made to take the Toolbar back out of the Grids and place them on top of the grid instead of inside of them. Doing that is easy, but this makes things a bit complicated for working on adding/editing/deleting items within the grid.
My question is, is there a way to access the ItemCommand within the grid still with the toolbar? The commandnames are the same in my toolbar, but getting them to the grid is a difficult task for me thus far. If anyone has any help, I'd be most appreciative.