I have been unable to find a satisfactory solution to using the RadEditor in preview mode without a toolbar. While I use the control on some pages for entering content, I have pages that also provide a read-only details view. I simply wish to provide the content for review, allow the user to scroll through the contents, but not show any toolbar. I have come close but a blank toolbar is always shown when the page renders.
Searching the forums and submitting support tickets has resulted in a few suggested solutions: including some style tags or using a ToolsFile.xml that has only <root></root> in it. Unfortunately these have not made any difference, I still get the exact same result. One suggestion is to disable the control which will cause RadEditor to display like a textbox. While this does work, it also eliminates the ability to scroll through the content.
My basic implementation consists of a ListView server control showing various data bound columns including the following:
<telerik:radeditor id="redBody" runat="server" Skin="Office2007"
editmodes="Preview" height="300px" ToolbarMode="ShowOnFocus"
Content='<%# Eval("Body") %>'
<telerik:EditorModule />
Again, I have tried adding a ToolsFile.xml with only <root></root>
I have tried several style suggestions found throughout the forums threads relating to hiding the toolbar. While no icons are shown in the toolbar, the empty toolbar is still visible.
It would make a lot of sense to me if there was a "None" or "Hidden" option available for the "ToolbarMode" attribute. If nothing else, I may have to create a custom Skin and try to fully hide the toolbar in that manner but I have not had time to try that yet.
Has anyone else ran into this or have any suggestions?
Thank you,
Searching the forums and submitting support tickets has resulted in a few suggested solutions: including some style tags or using a ToolsFile.xml that has only <root></root> in it. Unfortunately these have not made any difference, I still get the exact same result. One suggestion is to disable the control which will cause RadEditor to display like a textbox. While this does work, it also eliminates the ability to scroll through the content.
My basic implementation consists of a ListView server control showing various data bound columns including the following:
<telerik:radeditor id="redBody" runat="server" Skin="Office2007"
editmodes="Preview" height="300px" ToolbarMode="ShowOnFocus"
Content='<%# Eval("Body") %>'
<telerik:EditorModule />
Again, I have tried adding a ToolsFile.xml with only <root></root>
I have tried several style suggestions found throughout the forums threads relating to hiding the toolbar. While no icons are shown in the toolbar, the empty toolbar is still visible.
It would make a lot of sense to me if there was a "None" or "Hidden" option available for the "ToolbarMode" attribute. If nothing else, I may have to create a custom Skin and try to fully hide the toolbar in that manner but I have not had time to try that yet.
Has anyone else ran into this or have any suggestions?
Thank you,