I have a Grid (SubGrid1) within a Grid (RadGrid1).
When I edit SubGrid1 I need to load values for a RadComboBox.
I'm currently loading values for RadGrid1 without problems through the RadGrid_ItemDataBound event:
When I try to do the same for SubGrid1 I came to find out that the SubGrid1_ItemDataBound event is not being called upon selecting "Edit" on this grid.
When I edit SubGrid1 I need to load values for a RadComboBox.
I'm currently loading values for RadGrid1 without problems through the RadGrid_ItemDataBound event:
protected void RadGrid1_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) |
{ |
if ((e.Item is GridEditableItem) && (e.Item.IsInEditMode)) |
{ |
//Loading RadComboBoxes here without problems |
//... |
} |
//... |
} |
When I try to do the same for SubGrid1 I came to find out that the SubGrid1_ItemDataBound event is not being called upon selecting "Edit" on this grid.
<telerik:RadGrid ID="SubGrid1" runat="server" AllowSorting="False" GridLines="None" |
Style="margin-left: 0px" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="95%" OnItemDataBound="SubGrid1_ItemDataBound" OnItemCommand="SubGrid1_ItemCommand" |
OnItemDeleted="SubGrid1_ItemDeleted" OnItemCreated="SubGrid1_ItemCreated" |
OnItemInserted="SubGrid1_ItemInserted" OnItemUpdated="SubGrid1_ItemUpdated"> |
<HeaderContextMenu EnableTheming="True"> |
<CollapseAnimation Type="OutQuint" Duration="200"></CollapseAnimation> |
</HeaderContextMenu> |
<MasterTableView EditMode="InPlace" CommandItemSettings-AddNewRecordText="Add New Phone Number" |
CommandItemDisplay="Top"> |
<RowIndicatorColumn> |
<HeaderStyle Width="20px"></HeaderStyle> |
</RowIndicatorColumn> |
<ExpandCollapseColumn> |
<HeaderStyle Width="20px"></HeaderStyle> |
</ExpandCollapseColumn> |
<Columns> |
<telerik:GridEditCommandColumn HeaderStyle-Width="20px" EditText="Edit"> |
<HeaderStyle Width="20px"></HeaderStyle> |
</telerik:GridEditCommandColumn> |
<telerik:GridMaskedColumn Mask="(###) ###-####" |
UniqueName="Phone" HeaderText="Phone#" DataField="Phone"> |
<HeaderStyle Width="120px" /> |
</telerik:GridMaskedColumn> |
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderStyle-Width="20px" UniqueName="colPhoneType"> |
<EditItemTemplate> |
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="PhoneType" runat="server"> |
</telerik:RadComboBox> |
</EditItemTemplate> |
</telerik:GridTemplateColumn> |
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderStyle-Width="20px" UniqueName="DeletePhoneColumn"> |
<HeaderStyle Width="20px"></HeaderStyle> |
<ItemTemplate> |
<asp:ImageButton ID="imgbtnDelete" ToolTip="Delete Contact" runat="server" CommandName="Delete" ImageUrl="~/App_ThemesCustom/Pro1/images/recycle-bin-icon.gif" |
OnClientClick="javascript:if(!confirm('This action will delete the selected contact. Are you sure?')){return false;}" /> |
</ItemTemplate> |
</telerik:GridTemplateColumn> |
</Columns> |
<EditFormSettings EditFormType="Template"> |
<FormStyle /> |
<FormTemplate> |
<asp:Table runat="server" ID="Table1" CellSpacing="1" CellPadding="1" Width="250" |
border="0"> |
<asp:TableRow> |
<asp:TableCell></asp:TableCell> |
<asp:TableCell></asp:TableCell> |
</asp:TableRow> |
<asp:TableRow> |
<asp:TableCell> |
Phone Number: |
</asp:TableCell> |
<asp:TableCell> |
<telerik:RadTextBox ID="PhoneEdit" Text='<%# Bind( "Phone") %>' runat="server"> |
</telerik:RadTextBox> |
<cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskPhoneEdit" runat="server" TargetControlID="PhoneEdit" MaskType="Number" Mask="(999) 999-9999" ClearMaskOnLostFocus="false"> |
</cc1:MaskedEditExtender> |
</asp:TableCell> |
</asp:TableRow> |
<asp:TableRow> |
<asp:TableCell> |
Phone Type: |
</asp:TableCell> |
<asp:TableCell ID="tblClPhoneType" runat="server" Wrap="False"> |
<telerik:RadComboBox Width="150px" ID="RadComboPhoneType" runat="server"> |
<CollapseAnimation Type="OutQuint" Duration="200"></CollapseAnimation> |
</telerik:RadComboBox> |
</asp:TableCell> |
</asp:TableRow> |
</asp:Table> |
<asp:Table runat="server" Style="width: 95%"> |
<asp:TableRow> |
<asp:TableCell Style="text-align: right;" ColumnSpan="2"> |
<asp:Button ID="Button1" Text='<%# (Container is GridEditFormInsertItem) ? "Insert" : "Update" %>' |
runat="server" CommandName='<%# (Container is GridEditFormInsertItem) ? "PerformInsert" : "Update" %>'> |
</asp:Button> |
<asp:Button ID="Button2" Text="Cancel" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel"> |
</asp:Button> |
</asp:TableCell> |
</asp:TableRow> |
</asp:Table> |
</FormTemplate> |
</EditFormSettings> |
<NoRecordsTemplate> |
No Records Found |
</NoRecordsTemplate> |
<RowIndicatorColumn> |
<HeaderStyle Width="20px"></HeaderStyle> |
</RowIndicatorColumn> |
<ExpandCollapseColumn> |
<HeaderStyle Width="20px"></HeaderStyle> |
</ExpandCollapseColumn> |
</MasterTableView> |
<ClientSettings AllowColumnsReorder="True" AllowRowsDragDrop="True" ReorderColumnsOnClient="True"> |
<Selecting AllowRowSelect="True" /> |
</ClientSettings> |
<FilterMenu EnableTheming="True"> |
<CollapseAnimation Type="OutQuint" Duration="200"></CollapseAnimation> |
</FilterMenu> |
</telerik:RadGrid> |
protected void RadGridPhones_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) |
{ |
//This event is not firing. |
} |
Can anybody see anything wrong with how I do it? I don't use DataSourceID, but there has got to be a way to get it to work this way too.
The only difference between RadGrid1 and SubGrid1 is that I do an InPlace edit on SubGrid1.