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Using RadAjaxManager to reduce payload

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neebs asked on 28 Sep 2008, 07:36 AM
This is a general question on a design approach I've been considering. I have an application that implements a wizard in a RadWindow. The wizard consists of about 10 pages, each in a PageView of a RadMultiPage. On the bottom of the page are buttons that say "Next" and "Previous". After filling out information on one page, the user will click "Next" and continue on the next page of the wizard.

So far I've ajaxified this by wrapping the entire page in a RadAjaxPanel. This works fine, however I'm wondering if the payload during page refreshes is inefficient. Would it make sense to programmatically set which controls are updated during page transitions. I was thinking that from page 2, I would programmatically set page 3 to be updated by the Next button, and Page 1 to be updated by the Previous button for example.

I'm also concerned that the large number of controls on the set of pages would make such an effort be monumental and lead to unmaintainable code.

Thanks for your advice.


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Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
answered on 30 Sep 2008, 08:05 AM
Hi neebs,

Currently the ajax implementation you are using is the best one for your scenario.
 Unfortunately it will not be possible to set controls from one PageView the update controls from another because adding single PageView in RadAjax settings is not supported action. Even if you decide to use RadAjaxManager you should add the whole MultiPage to update itself in the manager settings which is actually equvalent to wrpping the whole MultiPage with a RadAjaxPanel.

Kind regards,
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team

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Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
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