I was wondering if there is some "easy" workaround to obtain this... let me explain.
At the moment you place the "final" controls in docks and place docks in the zones in the page and save.
This way you have to work on the actual page and you should be able to save each control setting in each dock as well, let's say for example if you want to dispaly 4 or 8 or 16 news items in a news control.
I was wondering if it's possible to have a "fake" page (a sort of edit page and not the final rendered one) where you move docks placeholders of the real controls for the real page, and in each placeholder for the particular control you can edit that control settings. Then save everything so that when the real page is loaded all the docks, with controls and settings are loaded.
Written that way may seem complex but is exactly what you do with wordpress widgets. You drag and drop the kind of widget that you want (news, weather, whatever) inside zones (usually center or column) and then each widget that you dragged has settings for that particular control inside it. Then when you save you have the real page configured with widgets (docks) and controls.
At the moment you place the "final" controls in docks and place docks in the zones in the page and save.
This way you have to work on the actual page and you should be able to save each control setting in each dock as well, let's say for example if you want to dispaly 4 or 8 or 16 news items in a news control.
I was wondering if it's possible to have a "fake" page (a sort of edit page and not the final rendered one) where you move docks placeholders of the real controls for the real page, and in each placeholder for the particular control you can edit that control settings. Then save everything so that when the real page is loaded all the docks, with controls and settings are loaded.
Written that way may seem complex but is exactly what you do with wordpress widgets. You drag and drop the kind of widget that you want (news, weather, whatever) inside zones (usually center or column) and then each widget that you dragged has settings for that particular control inside it. Then when you save you have the real page configured with widgets (docks) and controls.