I have created a red menu dynamically in *.ascx.
How can i apply CSS or Skin in user control ( *.ascx.cs )? Can you give me working C# example of it.
As documentation say, i made enableEmbadedSkin="False" .... and try to run code like that
How would i use all feature (rollover, color, images etc) of style by using C# as i am creating "user Control".
Please send me response ASAP, my project is stuckup because of this menu.
Hope to hear you fast.
I have created a red menu dynamically in *.ascx.
How can i apply CSS or Skin in user control ( *.ascx.cs )? Can you give me working C# example of it.
As documentation say, i made enableEmbadedSkin="False" .... and try to run code like that
<telerik:RadMenu ID="RedMenuControl" Skin="RadControls/Skins/Inox/Menu.Inox.css" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" runat="server">
C# code---------
ParentMenuItem =
new RadMenuItem();
ParentMenuItem.CssClass =
ParentMenuItem.Text = "Name";
How would i use all feature (rollover, color, images etc) of style by using C# as i am creating "user Control".
Please send me response ASAP, my project is stuckup because of this menu.
Hope to hear you fast.