Q4 2006
I have ben using a grid to grid dragdrop example of teleriks for a while now,
Great in all my aspx pages , but when I migrate these to user controls, the jscript which sets a var based on finding the radAjaxPanel in the form/page, returns undefined,...so the ajax callback can't happen.
the line is...
var ajaxPanel = window["RadAjaxPanel1"];
(I have the RaisePostBackEvent, and IPostBackEventHandler etc. ) just obviously this does'nt fire as the ajaxpanel is not "found"
(sample js code is beneath)
I have ben using a grid to grid dragdrop example of teleriks for a while now,
Great in all my aspx pages , but when I migrate these to user controls, the jscript which sets a var based on finding the radAjaxPanel in the form/page, returns undefined,...so the ajax callback can't happen.
the line is...
var ajaxPanel = window["RadAjaxPanel1"];
(I have the RaisePostBackEvent, and IPostBackEventHandler etc. ) just obviously this does'nt fire as the ajaxpanel is not "found"
(sample js code is beneath)
(radGridOver != "" && radGridOver != movedRow.Owner.OwnerID)
var ajaxPanel = window["RadAjaxPanel1"];
//window.alert("About to invoke ajax callback..." + ajaxPanel);
ajaxPanel.AjaxRequestWithTarget(eventTarget, eventArgument);