I want to show a RadConfirm when a certain ribbon bar button is clicked (in the client-side event handler), so the user can cancel the event.
Because the RadConfirm uses a callback, I have to cancel the click event, show the RadConfirm, and in the callback I have to do a postback if the user clicked "yes".
If found this example: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/window/examples/confirmserverclicks/defaultcs.aspx
How can I use this approach for a RibbonBarButton?
I have so far (pseudocode):
I want to show a RadConfirm when a certain ribbon bar button is clicked (in the client-side event handler), so the user can cancel the event.
Because the RadConfirm uses a callback, I have to cancel the click event, show the RadConfirm, and in the callback I have to do a postback if the user clicked "yes".
If found this example: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/window/examples/confirmserverclicks/defaultcs.aspx
How can I use this approach for a RibbonBarButton?
I have so far (pseudocode):
OnRibbonBarButtonClicking(sender, args) {
(args.get_button().get_value() ==
) {
, _callbackFunc);
_callbackFunc(arg) {
(arg) {
// do postback, but how?