Upgrade from to latest one - filters on the front-end stopped working

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.NET 5 .NET Core Report Parameters Upgrade
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BizPanda asked on 08 Dec 2022, 11:32 PM


Facing a very strange issue: when I updated from to the latest one list-based filters are selecting in a weird way: select all/deselect all is working. Still, individual values are not switching correctly (as I can see the parameter aria-selected is not changing properly).

The only real update was related to this version switch (had to do it as I can't find a previous version of a standalone Report Designer - for some reason can download only the latest one - and right now schema changed so I can't use new report files with an older package). 

Any ideas about what can be a reason? A quick comparison of existing minified JS doesn't show any significant changes. We are using .NET 5.


Any direction would be quite helpful.


Best regards & stay safe.

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answered on 09 Dec 2022, 02:36 PM

Hello Michael,

The reason for the experienced behavior is that starting with the Telerik Reporting - ProgressĀ® TelerikĀ® Reporting R3 2022 SP1 ( release, all web assets depending on the Kendo UI for jQuery suite (HTML5-based report viewers, Web Report Designer) now require Kendo JS and themes version 2022.3.913 or later.

If you have referenced an older version of kendo, please update it to the Kendo UI R3 2022 (version 2022.3.913) - Kendo UI for jQuery Release History | Telerik release, and the filters will start working as expected again.

Please let me know if you have additional questions.

Progress Telerik

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.NET 5 .NET Core Report Parameters Upgrade
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