I have the following scenario (dynamically created during runtime):
A RadGrid
A RadTabStrip
Depending on the sort column and type of the radgrid, the radtabstrip shows different tabs like (for a string column):
"Show all"
When clicking on one of the tabs, the database call is adjusted so only the corresponding sets are returned.
I added an RadAjaxManager, adding the following settings during runtime (this.ContentAwarePager is a class overloading the RadTabStrip):
Furthermore, I have a listener on TabClicked, which rebinds the datagrid.
When I click on a tab, everything works fine, and the ajaxmanager correctly handles the updating of the grid.
But when I catch the sort event, and remove and add tabs to the TabStrip (depending on the type of the column), the RadTabStrip is not "redrawn", if you know what I mean.
Is there a possibility to achieve this behaviour through the RadAjaxManager?
best regards for your help
I have the following scenario (dynamically created during runtime):
A RadGrid
A RadTabStrip
Depending on the sort column and type of the radgrid, the radtabstrip shows different tabs like (for a string column):
"Show all"
When clicking on one of the tabs, the database call is adjusted so only the corresponding sets are returned.
I added an RadAjaxManager, adding the following settings during runtime (this.ContentAwarePager is a class overloading the RadTabStrip):
if (this.ContentAwarePager != null) |
{ |
AjaxUpdatedControl ucgrid = new AjaxUpdatedControl(); |
ucgrid.ControlID = this.ID; |
AjaxUpdatedControl ucpager = new AjaxUpdatedControl(); |
ucpager.ControlID = (this.ContentAwarePager as WebControl).ID; |
AjaxSetting gridtopager = new AjaxSetting(); |
gridtopager.AjaxControlID = this.ID; |
gridtopager.UpdatedControls.Add(ucgrid); |
gridtopager.UpdatedControls.Add(ucpager); |
ram.AjaxSettings.Add(gridtopager); |
AjaxSetting pagertogrid = new AjaxSetting(); |
gridtopager.AjaxControlID = (this.ContentAwarePager as WebControl).ID; |
gridtopager.UpdatedControls.Add(ucgrid); |
gridtopager.UpdatedControls.Add(ucpager); |
ram.AjaxSettings.Add(pagertogrid); |
} |
Furthermore, I have a listener on TabClicked, which rebinds the datagrid.
When I click on a tab, everything works fine, and the ajaxmanager correctly handles the updating of the grid.
But when I catch the sort event, and remove and add tabs to the TabStrip (depending on the type of the column), the RadTabStrip is not "redrawn", if you know what I mean.
Is there a possibility to achieve this behaviour through the RadAjaxManager?
best regards for your help