I have an ASP.NET website which works fine.
One one page I use the radchart and it's all working fine.
at the top of that working page I have ...
@ Register Assembly="RadGrid.Net2" Namespace="Telerik.WebControls" TagPrefix="radG" %>
Now I create a new page and I want a radchart on it
I do this ...
@ Register Assembly="RadChart.Net2" Namespace="Telerik.WebControls" TagPrefix="radC" %>
and i put in this code ....
radC:RadChart ID="RadChart1" runat="server" Width="480px" Height="290px">
and it says "Chart has no or empty series?"
but if I put in this code ....
radC:RadChart ID="RadChart1" runat="server" Width="480px" Height="290px">
<radC:ChartSeries Name="1">
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="1" Name="1"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="2" Name="2"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="3" Name="3"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="4" Name="4"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="5" Name="5"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
<radC:ChartSeries Name="2" YAxisType=Secondary>
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="10" Name="1"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="20" Name="2"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="30" Name="3"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="40" Name="4"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
<radC:ChartSeriesItem YValue="50" Name="5"></radC:ChartSeriesItem>
It says
Error 1 Unknown server tag 'radC:ChartSeries'.