I received an unhandled exception today when copying and pasting a table from a Word Document into a radrichtextbox and trying to select the table by holding the left mouse button down and dragging the cursor from the top left of the table (or just outside the top left of the table) to the bottom right of the table. It seems to be random, though. I can't reproduce it all the time. I have attached a stack trace to expedite debugging. I am using the latest official release 2014.3.1021.45.
Please advise.
I received an unhandled exception today when copying and pasting a table from a Word Document into a radrichtextbox and trying to select the table by holding the left mouse button down and dragging the cursor from the top left of the table (or just outside the top left of the table) to the bottom right of the table. It seems to be random, though. I can't reproduce it all the time. I have attached a stack trace to expedite debugging. I am using the latest official release 2014.3.1021.45.
Please advise.