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Unfortunately setting “EnableLinqExpressions = false“ grid is not binding when I change the drop down value..

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shaik asked on 16 Dec 2008, 12:13 PM

Unfortunately setting “EnableLinqExpressions = false“ grid is not binding when I change the drop down value..


As soon as I changed the page from 1 to 2 grid was rebinding data is showing. Till now it was working fine, but  when I changed the drop down value again

grid was not rebind. But when I click on the change page its showing me the data.

·         This is what I am doing:

·         When I click paging this is how I’m binding the data:

 OnNeedDataSource coding



Dim dset As New DataSet

            dset = BO_SlInfo.ShowSampleListInfo(nIHLogNumber, dtPicker1, dtPicker2, nLocationID, nLevelId, strPanel,  strChemical)

·                     'Bind the Sampling Plan List DataSet to RadGrid

·                     rGrdSampleList.DataSource = dset



On Drop down change I’m trying to bind the data as below:




Dim dsSampleList As DataSet

  dsSampleList = BO_SlInfo.ShowBlankSampleListInfo(nIHLogNumber, dtPicker1, "", nLocationID, nLevelId, strPanel, strChemical)

            'Bind the Sampling Plan List DataSet to RadGrid

            rGrdSampleList.DataSource = dsSampleList




Please let me know what can be done…


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