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Unexpected SelectedIndexChanged behavior

1 Answer 72 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Ed Staffin
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Rank 1
Ed Staffin asked on 11 Feb 2009, 01:22 PM
I am using a RadComboBox with an embedded RadTreeview. It is coded pretty much exactly as the samples were.
However I have AutoPostBack=True on the RadComboBox so I can catch the SelectedIndexChanged event on the server.
The only problem seems to be that the SelectedIndexChanged event does not happen until the RadCombo loses focus. I would like it to happen when the user selects an item in the treeview.
Below is the client side code I have attached to the combo.
Any help would be great.
Thanks ... Ed

function tvCombo_Load(sender, eventArgs)  
function tvCombo_NodeClicking(sender, args)  
    var node = args.get_node();  
    var tv = node.get_treeView();  
    var bLeavesOnly = tv.get_attributes().getAttribute("LeavesOnly");  
    var cboId = tv.get_attributes().getAttribute("cboId");  
    if (bLeavesOnly == "true") // they can only select leaves  
        // add in the following code as a condition to disable root nodes that are leaves from being selected   
        //  || node.get_parent().get_parent() == null  
        if (node.get_nodes().get_count() > 0)   
    var ddl = $find(cboId);  
function tvCombo_StopPropagation(e)  
    if (!e)  
        e = window.event;  
    e.cancelBubble = true;  
function tvCombo_OnClientDropDownOpenedHandler(sender, eventArgs)  
    var cboItem = sender.get_items().getItem(0);  
    var treeId = sender.get_attributes().getAttribute("tvId");  //cboItem.get_attributes().getAttribute("TreeId");  
    if (treeId)  
        var tv = cboItem.findControl(treeId);  
        var selectedNode = tv.get_selectedNode();  
        if (selectedNode)  
            // expand the parents  
            var oNode = selectedNode.get_parent();  
            while (oNode)  
                // can't expand the root's parent as it is the treeview itself  
                oNodeoNode = oNode.get_parent();  

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Telerik team
answered on 13 Feb 2009, 04:52 PM
Hi Ed Staffin,

There is only one Item in the ComboBox in this example and the selection could not change because of the stopPropagation function.

I suggest you subscribe to the NodeClick server-side event of the TreeView to handle the case of clicking (selecting) a Node.

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the Telerik team

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Ed Staffin
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Telerik team
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