I'm using Chrome 11 / Firefox 4 (2010.3.1317.40) and suddenly the ajax updates started working in a strange way.
Looking at inspector:
Uncaught Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12:
On Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd: 1136
The line is this one:
14 Answers, 1 is accepted
We are not aware of such an issue reported with RadAjax. Could you please elaborate a bit more on your application? What controls are you using on the page and what the RadAjax settings are?
It will be very helpful if you could open a regular support ticket and send us sample runnable application which demonstrates the described problem. Thus we will be able to test it locally and advise you further.
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team
We discovered that the described issue is actually a limitation in the RadAjax CSS parser mechanism. Currently we discovered that when you have a comment in which whole css rule is wraped or for example @media rule wrapping another rule in the css code the RadAjaxManager could not parse this and throw the mentioned exception. Currently this is listed as limitation and the only workaround is to set "EnablePageHeadUpdate" property if the RadAjaxManager to "false".
Kind regards,
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team
Setting this property to false will just still updating the head and all its content after ajax request. This means that is new script should be added after ajax you should do it manually through the RadScriptManager or if new styles should be added this will be done manually by the RadStyleSheetManager. However the scenario in which new styles and scripts should be added only after ajax manually is really really rear so setting EnablePageHeadUpdate to "false" will not leave to big changes in your case.
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts this issue is a limitation in the RadAjax CSS parser mechanism which could not be fixed for now as its fixing could cause some breaking changes in the RadAjax functionality.
Currently the provided workaround is the only possible way for avoiding the problematic beahvior you are facing.
Excuse us for any inconvenience this limitation may lead.
Kind regards,
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team
<style type=
body * {
.printable, .printable * {
.printable {
/* aligning the printable area */
After moving that code to the footer, the error stopped coming up.
As I have mentioned in my previous posts the RadAjaxManager updates the page head and all the css and java script in it. In case the css is placed in the footer of the Page it is expected to not face the issue as the footer is not updated during AjaxRequest.
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team
We are still getting this same issue
Is the issue resolved?
Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'insertRule' on 'CSSStyleSheet': Failed to parse the rule '
.defaultADFS { display:none; }'
Using Telerik.Web.UI version 2015.2.623.45.
kindly update if this bug is address in latest version.
Thank you
Hi Ahmed,
I am sorry to say that a fix in the Telerik.Web.UI codebase is not available at the time of writing. I can only suggest the ideas already offered here - removing the commented rule or setting EnablePageHeadUpdate to false.
Yes it works after removing the commented CSS rule.
Thank you for the support.