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Type ahead suggestion show in listbox while typing in textbox

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Yashwant asked on 30 May 2017, 07:18 AM

I have textbox to enter and below that two listbox in between having buttons to trabsfer items from one to another listbox as shown in attached image.

Now I want functionality where while typing in textbox I will fetch data from DB from show suggestions in left listbox all dynamic.


lets say If i type 'Tes' in textbox, system will fetch records which contains entered text and show suggestions in left listbox. Now if I continue to write further 'Testdata' or remove any character already enetered 'Te', the below left listbox should be updated accordingly dynamically.


Thanks in advacnce and any asap help is appreciated.


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answered on 30 May 2017, 07:21 AM
missed to attached screen shot.
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