Due to project requirements for a big customer I need to bind entity framework 6 dbcontext directly to telerik controls, in this case to a radgridview control, so i need to use IQueryable instead of ObservableCollection also to perform filtering, sorting and so on.
The point is that when I add, delete a customer from dbcontext, the radgridview don't refresh showing changes. Also when I perform this operations directly in database, after refreshing dbcontext the radgridview not showing changes.
I tried to implement INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged in my view model but without success.
Also I want to point out that due to mvvm pattern design I can't have code in mainwindow.xaml.cs.
Please, anyone can provide me a full example of how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Due to project requirements for a big customer I need to bind entity framework 6 dbcontext directly to telerik controls, in this case to a radgridview control, so i need to use IQueryable instead of ObservableCollection also to perform filtering, sorting and so on.
The point is that when I add, delete a customer from dbcontext, the radgridview don't refresh showing changes. Also when I perform this operations directly in database, after refreshing dbcontext the radgridview not showing changes.
I tried to implement INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged in my view model but without success.
Also I want to point out that due to mvvm pattern design I can't have code in mainwindow.xaml.cs.
Please, anyone can provide me a full example of how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.