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turn multiple rows into columns

1 Answer 140 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Kurt Kluth
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Rank 1
Kurt Kluth asked on 08 Jun 2017, 01:49 PM

Would it be possible to take the following recordset example and divide into multiple columns and then rows?  Currently we use a repeater to accomplish the goal but like the styling of the grid.  The RadGrid would give us more control of styling and exporting of the data much easier.

state   TotalCUs    TotalExcess TotalQualified
AL  4   3   0
CA  18  10  1
CO  1   1   0
DC  2   2   0
FL  6   6   0
GA  1   1   0


What we would like is to have 3 columns and then however many rows to complete the recordset.

state   TotalCUs    TotalExcess TotalQualified
AL  4   3   0   CA  18  10  1   CO  1   1   0
DC  2   2   0   FL  6   6   0   GA  1   1   0
ID  8   3   0   IL  26  9   0   IN  18  4   0
KS  1   1   0   KY  2   2   0   MD  2   0   0
ME  4   4   0   MI  4   3   0   MN  5   4   1
MO  5   5   0   NH  2   2   0   NJ  3   3   0
NV  7   4   0   OH  61  19  0   OK  2   2   0
OR  1   1   0   PA  6   6   0   TX  9   5   0
WA  2   2   0

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Telerik team
answered on 13 Jun 2017, 05:57 AM
Hello Kurt,

RadGrid does not have any built-in functionality to modify the database configuration. You should separate and flatten the source manually and pass it to the DataSource property of the grid within the NeedDataSource event handler:

You can also check RadListView:

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Kurt Kluth
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Telerik team
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