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Trying to put Telerik.Web.UI in GAC and run in medium trust

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Matthew Martin
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Matthew Martin asked on 22 Nov 2008, 12:07 AM
The docs suggest it is possible to use the Uploader in medium trust if the dll is in the GAC, but...

I'm trying to run my ASP.NET 2.0 application in medium trust.  I can do that with just about  all the controls if the dll is in the bin folder.  I got permission to add the Telerik.Web.UI.dll to the GAC, which I did. I then killed the work process, cleared the temp folder, removed the dll from the bin and compile referencing the dll in C:\program  files\etc..\  It compiles.

Now I'm getting CAS permissions error, like when the ScriptManager tried to access "system.web/httpHandlers".

From the source code, it looks like Telerik doesn't Assert required permissions when called by a partially trusted caller.  I got past the above, and then ran into another one, etc.

Am I doing something wrong in my configuration or is this just a CAS bug?

Are there any things I need to do different when the telerik controls work when they are in the GAC?


Matthew Martin

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Veselin Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 24 Nov 2008, 03:39 PM
Hi Matthew Martin,

What exactly is the error that you receive?

RadProgressArea (RadProgressManager) requires Full Trust, but if you want to use only RadUpload (without the progress area) you can remove the RadProgressHttpHandler and RadUploadModule from the web.config and the upload should work in medium trust.

More information is available here: Trust permissions set.

Kind regards,
Veselin Vasilev
the Telerik team

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answered on 26 Nov 2008, 01:10 PM
I have ASP.NET hosting, I am testing Telerik controls in version Q2 and I would like to use RadProgressManager on it, but registering RadUploadHttpModule in web.config causes Security Exception. So I would like to ask my admins to add proper assembly to GAC, and I hope it will solve the problem.

First question is that should I ask for adding
Telerik.Web.UI.dll to the GAC, as Matthew described in this thread,

Second question is about copyright: if I buy full version of Telerik controls and it is added to the GAC in hosting server, does it break any restriction about using single product license (I don't know how it works, but maybe other hosted users could run Telerik controls on my license?)

Andrzej Stańczak
Telerik team
answered on 01 Dec 2008, 02:12 PM
Hi Andrzej,

Yes, you can add the Telerik.Web.UI.dll to the GAC but in order to comply with our licensing policy, you need to ensure that our software is not distributed in any form that allows it to be reused by any application other than your solution. Technical guidelines on that topic are provided to license holders only on request at

Generally, our software may not be distributed as part of products that have the same or substantially the same primary functionality as our software (this condition is met by your scenario). There are a few additional requirements listed under the "Redistribution-rights" section of our End-User License Agreement. Here is an excerpt for your convenience:

"You may distribute the SOFTWARE (or, where applicable, the run–time portion of the SOFTWARE) provided that:

  • You distribute the software, in object code form only, as part of solutions for internal company use, hosted applications, commercial solutions deployed at end–users’ sites or shrink–wrapped software (PACKAGED PRODUCTS) in which the software is integrated.  
  • You duly inform your customers that they are not allowed to use the software independently from your solution. For use of the software in design–time (i.e. within a development environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio) your customers need to purchase the appropriate number of Developer Licenses from TELERIK.
  • You include a valid copyright message in your solution in a location viewable by the end–users (e.g. "About" box).
  • You assume full responsibility for your customer’s use of the software and must ensure that TELERIK has no obligation to such customer or liability for such customer’s use of the software. "
I hope the provided information was helpful. For more details on our licensing policy, feel free to write back to me (or review the full text of our End-User License Agreement if preferred). 

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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Matthew Martin
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Answers by
Veselin Vasilev
Telerik team
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Telerik team
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