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Treeview refresh/update

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George asked on 24 Nov 2008, 08:35 PM
I would like to know how is it posible to refresh update the nodes of the treeview from another aspx file.
In my example I have the treeview in the left side and when a user clicks on a node using the navigationUrl in the right part is loading another aspx file which contain the details of that node. In this file the user is able to modify the details  and as a result I would like to be able to change the node text.

Thanks for any suggestions or if there are any examples regarding this please let me know.


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Telerik team
answered on 27 Nov 2008, 10:21 AM
Hello George,

Provided that the right side of the page is an IFRAME, the most appropriate solution in this case would be to define a function on the main page. The function could take some data as parameters and update the TreeView with it.

Later call this function from the IFRAME when it is necessary.

I hope this gets you started.

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