I have a treeview with four levels (1 - 4), CheckBoxes="true" and TriStateCheckBoxes="true". If I make level 2 and 3 Checkable = false, and I have an unchecked level 4 node, its parent level 1 node doesn't shows as indeterminate. But if I check and uncheck that level 4 node, level 1 updates correctly
It's that really a bug?
I have a treeview with four levels (1 - 4), CheckBoxes="true" and TriStateCheckBoxes="true". If I make level 2 and 3 Checkable = false, and I have an unchecked level 4 node, its parent level 1 node doesn't shows as indeterminate. But if I check and uncheck that level 4 node, level 1 updates correctly
It's that really a bug?