I am using tree view in rad combo box. My tree view is CheckBoxes="true" CheckChildNodes="true". When I check the check box i call the RadTreeView1_NodeCheck(). In this function i have retrieve the data base on checked node and want to show the data in combo box.
Let say they click Singapore Node, I want to show "Singapore - SGD - 1.500" in combo box text.
I am using tree view in rad combo box. My tree view is CheckBoxes="true" CheckChildNodes="true". When I check the check box i call the RadTreeView1_NodeCheck(). In this function i have retrieve the data base on checked node and want to show the data in combo box.
Let say they click Singapore Node, I want to show "Singapore - SGD - 1.500" in combo box text.
rcbFCCScope.Text = "Singapore - SGD - 1.500";
But I don't see any data in combo box text.
Please let me what should i do.