I've tried everything, even modifying the RadRating.js file (which BTW is obfuscated so it's a nightmare to change :-D).
Can I customize this behavior?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards.
14 Answers, 1 is accepted
Currently ypou cannot achieve what you want out of the box but we are planning to implement this functionality. For the time being, you can achieve this by using javascript e.g as shown below:
<script type=
OnClientLoad(sender, args)
items = sender._items;
items[0].childNodes[0].title =
items[1].childNodes[0].title =
items[2].childNodes[0].title =
items[3].childNodes[0].title =
"Very Good"
items[4].childNodes[0].title =
<telerik:RadRating ID=
Please, use this code as a start point and fine tune it according to your needs.
the Telerik team
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I am glad I could help. In case you experience any further problems or you have additional questions, do not hesiatte to contact us again!
All the best,
the Telerik team
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About futur implementations :
- Under Firefox : Tooltips are not visible -> annoying when you try to rate something with Precision="Exact"
- Under IE : Tooltips are ok but when your rating control is ReadOnly="true" (when you want to actually show a value, 2.3 stars for exemple), the tooltip doesn't show the rating value but the value of where you mouse over the control.
Arnaud Boiselle
Regarding the tooltips of the rating control - the code of the control only sets title for the items of the rating. The value of the title attribute changes while the user moves the mouse over the rating control. However, the rating control has no control over the showing/hiding of the browser tooltip - this depends entirely on the browser itself. As we are aware that the browser tooltips behave differently in different browsers, we have added the EnableToolTips property - in case you set it to "false", the rating control will not output a title attribute for its items.
Once you have disabled the browser tooltips, you can add a RadToolTip control to display the pending value of the control. I have attached a simple page that demonstrates two configurations. Please note that the code in the attached page uses an internal method of the rating and as a result, it may not work in case you decide to upgrade.
As for the value, displayed in the tooltip in case ReadOnly=true - I will add it to our TODO list and we will fix it. I updated your Telerik points for bringing this problem to our attention.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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Is there also a way to change the values of each star - in a similar way to tooltips?
I tried this - but it didn't like it:
function OnClientLoad(sender, args)
var items = sender._items;
// This works fine
items[0].childNodes[0].title = "Coldest";
items[1].childNodes[0].title = "Cold";
items[2].childNodes[0].title = "Warm";
items[3].childNodes[0].title = "Hot";
items[4].childNodes[0].title = "Hottest";
// Don't think this works
items[0].childNodes[0].value = "3001";
items[1].childNodes[0].value = "3002";
items[2].childNodes[0].value = "3003";
items[3].childNodes[0].value = "3004;
items[4].childNodes[0].value = "3005";
These are values held in a lookup table - so what I want to do is grab the values from the table on the page load and dynamically create the JavaScript OnClientLoad function that changes the Tooltips (like above example - based on lookup table description) and Values if possible with the lookup table key
I'll then add the function to the page using:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "key", jsfunctionstring);
The current version of the rating control does not support client-side modifications of the rating items. Changing the title of the A element of a rating item with JavaScript will work only for the case Precision=Item. However, this approach will not work with the Q1 2010 version of the rating. Additionally, even if you manage to change the tooltip and value of the rating items with JavaScript, those changes will not be persisted after postback automatically. That is why, I would recommend that you wrap the rating control in UpdatePanel and update the items in the Items collection server-side.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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can you tell me, if this feature is available in the new current version?
I would like to use values/strings directly out of the database and show them as tooltip. Is it possible?
Thank you
You can fully customize ( e.g. set the Value/ToolTip) of each rating item server-side, in case you use the Items collection of the control. Please, refer to our online demos for a quick overview of the functionality:
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
thank you for the reply.
I think it'll work for me in this case... but what if I want to keep the number of rating stars dynamically?
Maye I want to define the number of available rates later in the database per project... so in this case this solution won't help me, right?
Hi again,
desperately this doesn't work for me.
I want to use values via Databinding for the Tooltips ... this is not possible...
I get a parser error: no Databinding for RadRatingItem.
So it's not possible to fill Ratings dynamically via Databinding, right?
Can you show us your test code ?
=<%# GetUIString(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "KlartextEnglischLang"))%>
Can I suggest you to do it this way (in my example the RadRating is inside a RadGrid for databinding purpose) :
Value='<%# DataBinder.Eval( Container, "DataItem.id_table" ) %>'>
Then in the RadGrid itemdataboundevent :
Private Sub RadGrid1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridItemEventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.ItemDataBound
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridDataItem Then
Dim dataItem As GridDataItem = CType(e.Item, GridDataItem)
Dim RadRating1 As RadRating = CType(dataItem("rating").FindControl("RadRating1"), RadRating)
RadRating1.Items.Item(0).ToolTip = "Item 1"
RadRating1.Items.Item(1).ToolTip = "Item 2"
RadRating1.Items.Item(2).ToolTip = "Item 3"
RadRating1.Items.Item(3).ToolTip = "Item 4"
RadRating1.Items.Item(4).ToolTip = "Item 5"
End If
End Sub
Hope it helps