I have radtool bar on page header. It will have only three toolbar items. I want first two align to left and third one to right. The tool bar occupies entire page width (100%). How to align items?
I have something like below all the items are aligned to left.
<telerik:RadToolBar runat="server" ID="RadToolBar1" Skin="Hay" Width="100%">
<telerik:RadToolBarButton ImageUrl="someimage.jpg"></telerik:RadToolBarButton>
<telerik:RadToolBarButton Text="Application TITLE" Checked="true" CheckOnClick="true" AllowSelfUnCheck="false"></telerik:RadToolBarButton>
<telerik:RadToolBarButton Text="Getout" ></telerik:RadToolBarButton>
I have radtool bar on page header. It will have only three toolbar items. I want first two align to left and third one to right. The tool bar occupies entire page width (100%). How to align items?
I have something like below all the items are aligned to left.
<telerik:RadToolBar runat="server" ID="RadToolBar1" Skin="Hay" Width="100%">
<telerik:RadToolBarButton ImageUrl="someimage.jpg"></telerik:RadToolBarButton>
<telerik:RadToolBarButton Text="Application TITLE" Checked="true" CheckOnClick="true" AllowSelfUnCheck="false"></telerik:RadToolBarButton>
<telerik:RadToolBarButton Text="Getout" ></telerik:RadToolBarButton>