I want to define which buttons are displayed in the toolbar in which not. In Kendo its possible by passing arrays to the sections of the toolbar (Home, Insert, Data). In .NET Core I am configurating the toolbar in my CSHTML file and can only pass booleans to the sections i.e. .Toolbar(t => t.Home(true).Data(false).Insert(false))
Btw. the documentation has a wrong description here: http://docs.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/api/Kendo.Mvc.UI.Fluent/SpreadsheetBuilder#methods-Toolbar(System.Action%3CKendo.Mvc.UI.Fluent.SpreadsheetToolbarSettingsBuilder%3E) because it says I should pass a boolean (maybe just copied from the .Toolbar() above).
When I change the option after init in Javascript with "...options.toolbar.home = [['bold', 'italic'], 'format'];", the spreadsheet is not updated.
I really need a solution for this asap.