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Tool Tip not working over button

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derek asked on 25 Mar 2009, 09:43 PM
Placed in RadToolTip to display when mouseover a button, looks like this:

<telerik:RadToolTip ID="RadToolTip1" runat="server" Width="390px" Height="70px"   
            TargetControlID="Button1" Animation="Fade" Position="TopRight" Skin="Default">  
            <img src="NewFolder1/test.jpg" alt="&nbsp;" /><img src="NewFolder1/PDF.bmp"   
                style="width: 50px; height: 50px" /> 

But it fails to display on mouse over.  What am I missing?

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Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 30 Mar 2009, 07:46 AM

Hello Derek,

Your configuration seems to be correct and you should not experience problems in the common case. However, what might be happening is that you are using INaming Containers, e.g user controls, MasterPages, etc. and the ID of the target is changed and not equal to the one set for the tooltip. Please, make sure that you have provided the correct ID and in case it is needed, use the ClientID along with isClientID=true for the tooltip.

If you still experience problems, please provide more details about your exact configuration or best - open a new support ticket and send me a sample, fully runnable reproduction demo along with detailed reproduction steps and explanations of the actual and the desired behavior.


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Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
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