When trying to select a time using timeview i click the time button which displays the different time options when i make a selection it removes the time which was in the timepicker box and replaces it with nothing also the timeview stays on the page, I am unable to make a time selection without manually putting it in the box, here is the aspx code i am using:
<radCln:RadDateTimePicker ID="ClockOutDTP" style="position:absolute; top:26px; left:150px" runat="server" AutoPostBackControl="TimeView"
OnSelectedDateChanged="ClockOutDTP_SelectedDateChanged" Enabled="False" DateInput-DisplayDateFormat="dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm" DateInput-Culture="En-GB"
DateInput-DateFormat="dd/MM/yyyy" TimeView-Enabled="true" TimePopupButton-Enabled="true">
<TimeView Culture="En-GB" Skin="" Style="display: none;" runat="server">
<DateInput Skin="" AutoPostBack="True">
i am using caldndar dll version
can you advise if there is something I have done wrong here, when you reply can you please copy in joe.pinder@xcl.co.uk thanks!