i am completely stuck at a point while scheduling an appointment b/w doctor and a patient.
i want to know what does timeslotcreated eventArgs e mean in timeslot created event .
I have written my code as follows :
if (DateTime.Compare(e.TimeSlot.Start, Convert.ToDateTime("2012-06-06 08:30:00.000")) == 0 && DateTime.Compare(e.TimeSlot.End, Convert.ToDateTime("2012-06-06 08:45:00.000")) == 0)
e.TimeSlot.CssClass = "rsCategoryGreen";
if (DateTime.Compare(e.TimeSlot.Start, Convert.ToDateTime("2012-06-06 08:45:00.000")) == 0 && DateTime.Compare(e.TimeSlot.End, Convert.ToDateTime("2012-06-06 09:00:00.000")) == 0)
e.TimeSlot.CssClass = "rsCategoryGreen";
The whole slot of 08:30 - 09:00 is getting green. and when i remove upper IF then nothing happens in output.
please solve it or give an alternate solution to do this?
Still i am waiting for someone's reply. I want to clear my problem now..
I have an appointment of 2 hours and i want to customize it in different timespan like one of half an hour and second of one and half hour with different custom. So which event schould i use?
Reply soon
i am completely stuck at a point while scheduling an appointment b/w doctor and a patient.
i want to know what does timeslotcreated eventArgs e mean in timeslot created event .
I have written my code as follows :
if (DateTime.Compare(e.TimeSlot.Start, Convert.ToDateTime("2012-06-06 08:30:00.000")) == 0 && DateTime.Compare(e.TimeSlot.End, Convert.ToDateTime("2012-06-06 08:45:00.000")) == 0)
e.TimeSlot.CssClass = "rsCategoryGreen";
if (DateTime.Compare(e.TimeSlot.Start, Convert.ToDateTime("2012-06-06 08:45:00.000")) == 0 && DateTime.Compare(e.TimeSlot.End, Convert.ToDateTime("2012-06-06 09:00:00.000")) == 0)
e.TimeSlot.CssClass = "rsCategoryGreen";
The whole slot of 08:30 - 09:00 is getting green. and when i remove upper IF then nothing happens in output.
please solve it or give an alternate solution to do this?
Still i am waiting for someone's reply. I want to clear my problem now..
I have an appointment of 2 hours and i want to customize it in different timespan like one of half an hour and second of one and half hour with different custom. So which event schould i use?
Reply soon