I have an application that limits concurrent and/or overlapping appointments and appointments on special days. I set the TimeSlot.CssClass to "Unavailable" when the limit is reached ot is on a special day. That class sets the TimeSlot bacground image to a particular color and word "Unavailable". The problem presents when there are appointments in the TimeSlot which obscures the background and the word "Unavailable".
I display a RadDock for the Form input when new appointments are allowed and just cancel when not. I supposeI could display a different RadDock to provide "not allowed" feed back when applicable but I'm searching for something simpler. Any ideas?
I display a RadDock for the Form input when new appointments are allowed and just cancel when not. I supposeI could display a different RadDock to provide "not allowed" feed back when applicable but I'm searching for something simpler. Any ideas?