I think I found a bug with my q2 2013 controls, where if I programmatically remove some items from the list by setting its property to visible = false, the navigation breaks also. It navigates to the index of the items it thinks should be there.
Many thanks!
I think I found a bug with my q2 2013 controls, where if I programmatically remove some items from the list by setting its property to visible = false, the navigation breaks also. It navigates to the index of the items it thinks should be there.
<telerik:RadTileList ID="tllReporting" runat="server" Skin="FriskaMetro" EnableEmbeddedSkins="False" Height="500px"> <Groups> <%--Sales--%> <telerik:TileGroup> <Tiles> <telerik:RadContentTemplateTile NavigateUrl="Sales/CombinedSales.aspx" Shape="Square" Name="tileSalesCombined"> <ContentTemplate> <div class="SlidePanel" style="width: 100%; height: 80px"> <h1> Combined Sales</h1> </div> <div class="SlidePanelTitle" style="width: 100%; height: 50px"> <h3> Sales</h3> </div> </ContentTemplate> <PeekTemplate> <div class="SlidePanel" style="width: 88%; height: 120px"> Report to show the combined retail and catering sales for period </div> </PeekTemplate> <PeekTemplateSettings Animation="Slide" AnimationDuration="800" Easing="easeInOutBack" ShowInterval="0" CloseDelay="5000" ShowPeekTemplateOnMouseOver="true" HidePeekTemplateOnMouseOut="true" /> </telerik:RadContentTemplateTile> <telerik:RadContentTemplateTile NavigateUrl="Sales/ProductsSoldReport.aspx" Shape="Square" Name="tileSalesProductsSold"> <ContentTemplate> <div class="SlidePanel" style="width: 100%; height: 80px"> <h1> Product <br />Sales</h1> </div> <div class="SlidePanelTitle" style="width: 100%; height: 50px"> <h3> Sales</h3> </div> </ContentTemplate> <PeekTemplate> <div class="SlidePanel" style="width: 88%; height: 120px"> Report to show the total number of products sold in a period </div> </PeekTemplate> <PeekTemplateSettings Animation="Slide" AnimationDuration="800" Easing="easeInOutBack" ShowInterval="0" CloseDelay="5000" ShowPeekTemplateOnMouseOver="true" HidePeekTemplateOnMouseOut="true" /> </telerik:RadContentTemplateTile> <telerik:RadContentTemplateTile NavigateUrl="Sales/SalesPOReceiptsReport.aspx" Shape="Wide" Name="tileSalesPOReceipts"> <ContentTemplate> <div class="SlidePanel" style="width: 100%; height: 80px"> <h1> Paid Out Receipts</h1> </div> <div class="SlidePanelTitle" style="width: 100%; height: 50px"> <h3> Sales</h3> </div> </ContentTemplate> <PeekTemplate> <div class="SlidePanel" style="width: 88%; height: 120px"> Report to show the paid out cash receipts per store </div> </PeekTemplate> <PeekTemplateSettings Animation="Slide" AnimationDuration="800" Easing="easeInOutBack" ShowInterval="0" CloseDelay="5000" ShowPeekTemplateOnMouseOver="true" HidePeekTemplateOnMouseOut="true" /> </telerik:RadContentTemplateTile> <telerik:RadContentTemplateTile NavigateUrl="Sales/SalesSummaryReport.aspx" Shape="Square" Name="tileSalesSalesSummary"> <ContentTemplate> <div class="SlidePanel" style="width: 100%; height: 80px"> <h1> Sales Summary</h1> </div> <div class="SlidePanelTitle" style="width: 100%; height: 50px"> <h3> Sales</h3> </div> </ContentTemplate> <PeekTemplate> <div class="SlidePanel" style="width: 88%; height: 120px"> Report to show the value of the sales in a period per store </div> </PeekTemplate> <PeekTemplateSettings Animation="Slide" AnimationDuration="800" Easing="easeInOutBack" ShowInterval="0" CloseDelay="5000" ShowPeekTemplateOnMouseOver="true" HidePeekTemplateOnMouseOut="true" /> </telerik:RadContentTemplateTile>
</Tiles> </telerik:TileGroup> </Groups> </telerik:RadTileList> Thenn I set the visible property as such:Is this a bug?foreach (RadBaseTile tile in tllReporting.GetAllTiles()) { tile.Visible = Authentication.HasUserPageAccess("~/Reporting/"+tile.NavigateUrl); }
Many thanks!