Hi all!
I'm using custom TiledMapSource, which takes tiles from the file system.
But I want to hide tiles from enduser and place them inside the resource pack of the application.
I tried to set tile files to build action "Resource" and giving URI like "pack://application:,,,/MyAssemble;component/tiles/z0/0/x0/0/y0.png"
But tiles doesn't appear on the map.
Is it possible to store and use tiles from application resources ?
I'm using custom TiledMapSource, which takes tiles from the file system.
But I want to hide tiles from enduser and place them inside the resource pack of the application.
I tried to set tile files to build action "Resource" and giving URI like "pack://application:,,,/MyAssemble;component/tiles/z0/0/x0/0/y0.png"
But tiles doesn't appear on the map.
Is it possible to store and use tiles from application resources ?