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Theme CSS, Suggestions, Easier Install

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WebParts for SharePoint
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Alistair asked on 20 Jul 2008, 01:03 AM
Is there any way for the editor to inherit theme CSS? I haven't found a method to get the editor to dynamically inherit theme css which affects the color of html elements on my site.

I'd also like to mention two areas which are making it hard to simple 'install and use' the Rich Text Editor in a SharePoint environment. The lack of automatic inheritance of the current page css, even more of a problem if you're using themes. It is also not possible to make the editor automaticallu respect the width of the editable area, instead the container is resized to fit the width of the toolbar. The floating toolbar approach (as in previous versions) is much more suitable for publishing pages where editable areas vary in size from page to page. Having to modify page layouts and  xml config files for every layout or  change is an unnecassary burden. It would be valuable to know if any resolution is planned for these issues and what release they might come in?

Regarding the somewhat manual nature of the install, particularly the ajax install and delicate web.config modifications, these pre-requisites could be wrapped up as part of an msi install. For anyone doing an install there's a simple stsadm command wsp on to ajaxify your moss web.config.

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Jul 2008, 03:22 PM
Hi Alistair,

Could you please clarify what do you mean with "Is there any way for the editor to inherit theme CSS"? From where should RadEditor inherit this Theme CSS? From the page where the editor is?

If you want to apply the Theme CSS files to the editor's content please add the desired CSS files to the editor's CssFiles collection. For more information on how to achieve this, please review the following KB article:

In order to make the editor toolbar floating, please open the respective Config file and set <property name="ToolbarMode">Floating</property>

I hope this helps.

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answered on 22 Jul 2008, 07:01 PM

Thanks for the response.

Each SharePoint site can have it's own dynamically specified theme which is controlled by the end user and could be different from site to site and change over time.

I can't see any way specify this value as this is a user defined value stored in the SharePoint content database.

The complex inheritance of sharepoint style sheets from core.css through four or five stylesheets ending in theme.css it's a lot of work to duplicate that in a single css file. Can I link to styles stored in the sites content database using the following? I haven't got it working yet.

    <item name="/style library/CustomCssFile.css " /> 

Regarding the floating toolbar, even when set to floating the width of the toolbar affects the width of the content area. I understand this behaiour changed at some point in the release cycle. The problem is whenever there are narrow content columns I have to specify the width (customising the page layout aspx) and then reference a custom toolbar xml which will display the toolbar in a narrow area. This problem is essentialy that the toolbar doens't expand the native browser size of the editable area, it simply resizes the content area or if a width is specifief the toolbar is cropped.
Telerik team
answered on 23 Jul 2008, 02:08 PM
Hi Alistair,

Regarding the CssFiles, please set the complete path to the CSS files and they will be applied. For example:
    <item name="/_wpresources/RadEditorSharePoint/" />  

As to the tools width problem:
Note that, in the upcoming RadEditor for MOSS release, which will be till the end of the week, we will introduce new editor's property (ToolsWidth), with which the desired behavior will be achieved. 

I hope this helps.

the Telerik team

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