**** Disregard, I've found the issue: The asmx page was not pointing to the correct class.******
I can't get your combo to populate from web service and the error message is useless. It does not even appear to call the webmethod.
I can't get your combo to populate from web service and the error message is useless. It does not even appear to call the webmethod.
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="rcbRevenueType" EnableVirtualScrolling="true" EnableViewState="false" |
AllowCustomText="true" ShowMoreResultsBox="false" ShowToggleImage="true" EnableItemCaching="true" |
MaxHeight="150px" MarkFirstMatch="True" ChangeTextOnKeyBoardNavigation="true" EnableScreenBoundaryDetection="true" |
EnableTextSelection="true" ShowDropDownOnTextboxClick="true" ShowWhileLoading="true" |
runat="server" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" Skin="CienaComboBox" |
Width="200px"> |
<CollapseAnimation Duration="200" Type="OutQuint" /> |
<WebServiceSettings Path="~/DataLookupService.asmx" Method="GetAllRevenueTypes" /> |
</telerik:RadComboBox> |
[WebMethod] |
public RadComboBoxData GetAllRevenueTypes(RadComboBoxContext context) |
{ |
LookupDAO lookup = new LookupDAO(); |
DataTable dt = lookup.GetActiveRevenueTypesDT(); |
DataView dv = dt.DefaultView; |
dv.Sort = "Name ASC"; |
return FormatItems(dv, context, "Name", "RevenueType_ID", 8); |
} |
public RadComboBoxData FormatItems(DataView dv, RadComboBoxContext context, string text, string value, int requestcount) |
{ |
List<RadComboBoxItemData> result = null; |
// Create a RadComboBoxData object to pass virtual scrolling information |
RadComboBoxData comboData = new RadComboBoxData(); |
// calculate the number of records we need |
// based on the current number of items |
int itemsPerRequest = requestcount; |
int itemOffset = context.NumberOfItems; |
int endOffset = itemOffset + itemsPerRequest; |
// adjust endOffset if there are not enough rows |
if (endOffset > dv.Count) |
{ |
endOffset = dv.Count; |
} |
// set EndOfItems to reflect whether we are supplying the last items |
if (endOffset == dv.Count) |
{ |
comboData.EndOfItems = true; |
} |
else |
{ |
comboData.EndOfItems = false; |
} |
// create the list to hold the items we will return |
result = new List<RadComboBoxItemData>(endOffset - itemOffset); |
// iterate through the rows of the table, creating and adding items |
for (int i = itemOffset; i < endOffset; i++) |
{ |
RadComboBoxItemData itemData = new RadComboBoxItemData(); |
itemData.Text = dv[i][text].ToString(); |
itemData.Value = dv[i][value].ToString(); |
result.Add(itemData); |
} |
comboData.Items = result.ToArray(); |
return comboData; |
} |